Empty Nesters

April 20, 2010
The last puppy left Friday evening.  We're feeling a mixture of sadness and relief - though possibly leaning more towards relief.  This is such a different experience from the last litter, when we kept a puppy (Woody).  Now, we're just back to normal.  Except our basement stinks.

I've asked all the new puppy parents to keep in touch and send pictures.  Here's a last update (for now!) on everyone.

Pink Girl's new name is Chloe, and she lives in Augusta, GA with my sister- and brother-in law, Laura and Matt.  Laura has loved our Nelli from the beginning and wanted a puppy of her own so badly.  Nelli's first litter arrived about 4 months prior to her wedding to Matt, so the timing wasn't the best.  Everyone agrees Chloe was worth the wait.

Blue Boy, a.k.a. Ace, lives in Auburn, AL with Chase and a yellow lab puppy named Charlie.  I imagine they wear each other out with their endless energy.  I also imagine that Chase has never had an easier time getting dates, walking this guy around campus.  Poor Ace looks bewildered in this photo - probably the ugly Auburn collar.  Should have written that into the contract. :)  Chase has invited us to see Ace whenever we're in Auburn - guess Jeff finally found a way to get me to want to go to Auburn!

Good thing Green Boy was our fluffiest, because he went to live in Iowa.  We look forward to seeing Cash (Ben liked my name!) for an annual Thanksgiving playdate/family reunion.  That's our Nelli and Woody, plus Ben's Cash, plus Laura and Matt's Chloe, plus the dad, Colby, and Lilly from the first litter (both Mike's).  Full house at the Wilkersons'!

Orange Boy (Tanner) moved to Charlotte, NC and will be a surprise graduation gift for Toni's fiancee.  Til then, he lives with her and her golden, Teddy, who I'm certain he terrorizes to no end.

Our last pup to leave was Red Girl, Ellie, on Friday night.  She now resides in Eastman, GA with my college friend, Chris, and his family - which includes a 3 1/2 year old boy and an almost one-year-old girl.  Fiesty little Ellie was a handful by herself - best of luck, Melissa!  With her drive and already-developed retrieving abilities, Ellie is going to make an excellent hunter.

Purple Boy is the only pup who stayed geographically close to us. M'Gras (after Mardi Gras, the day when they were born!  Awesome name!!) lives about 5 minutes down the road with friends from our church.  We were lucky enough to see him on Saturday at a crawfish boil, where he stole the hearts of everyone in attendance.

First to leave, Rainbow Girl, a.k.a. Piper, live in Gainesville, GA with her new family that includes little Landon.  I never thought there was anything cuter than our puppies, but pairing them with a little boy really ups the adorableness!  Piper will be doing a lot of hunting with her new dad.

And finally, our pick of the litter turned out to be our last born.  Black Boy (Tank) left for a long drive to Delaware.  His new dad reports that he did awesome in the car ride, and is adjusting to life with his older sisters, Chelsea (a yellow lab) and Josie (a fellow golden - who, according to this picture, he is no longer speaking to?) very well.


Family Photo

April 4, 2010
Despite Jeff's grumblings and mumblings, I made everyone sit down for a family photo again.  Hard to believe these guys start leaving this week!

We were supposed to hold two puppies each, but Red and Purple (who were supposed to be in the empty terra cotta pot) didn't want to stay still.  Hopefully I can talk an intern at work into taking the pot out of the picture :).  Sorry to spoil the surprise if you're on our Christmas card list.

Thanks to my Aunt Susan and Uncle Jon for spending Easter w...
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Purple and Black Venture Upstairs

April 4, 2010
Our final two, Purple Boy and Black Boy, got their chance upstairs in Thursday.  Our friend Colter was in town Wednesday night to turkey hunt with Jeff on Thursday, so he got in on the puppy/finger chewing action.


Look at this handsome boy!  He was watching TV when I snapped this shot.  This is how he'll look when he's watching ducks fly in the blind.


This good boy even cleans up his own messes!


If you're keeping up and wondering why you haven't seen pictures of Rainbow Girl and Red Girl up...
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Visiting Dr. Ricky

March 31, 2010
I absolutely love visiting our vet, Dr. Ricky.  You will not find a vet and his staff who love dogs more than the bunch at SugarCreek Animal Hospital.  They always greet Woody and Nelli by name, and never cease to be excited to see eight puppies walk through the door, despite the inevitable peeing that is about to occur on their floor.

Yesterday we had the luck to walk in just in time to meet four adorable little girls and their mother who had brought their dog in for a check-up.  All five fem...
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Remembering The Great Puppy Escape of 2008

March 31, 2010
Celebrating the pups' six week birthday by remembering what happened when the last litter turned six weeks old - a.k.a., The Great Puppy Escape of 2008.  The day we (and the puppies) discovered that they could escape the box and the fence. People often ask us how we can bear to give up such sweet puppies.  The answer: THIS is what happens at week six:

They turn into quite a handful.  I liken it to teenagers - I think God makes them annoying so that parents are ready to send them away to coll...
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Lots and lots of outdoor pictures

March 28, 2010
Our friends Clint and Ericka came up from Savannah to visit and see the puppies this weekend.  Thankfully, Saturday was beautiful and sunny, so we were play outside all afternoon.

I would be really proud of this shot if Clint didn't have a cup in his hand.  Now it looks like an Arby's ad:


 We brought the duckwings out again for the pups to play with.  At some point, every puppy was carrying one around.  We discovered that Black Boy enjoys prancing with his.


We introduced retrieving dummies ...
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Green and Orange's Big Day Out

March 26, 2010
Wednesday was Green Boy and Orange Boy's chance to come upstairs and play.  Woody was excited yet again for new playmates.  I love this picture because it looks like Woody is telling Orange a secret ("Lemme tell you somethin' kid...they keep the best treats in the pantry, not the basement.  Also, Abby will kill you if you chew her shoes.")

Woody looks mighty freaked out in this one.  When he gets excited and starts playing too rough, we make him lay down so the pups can crawl on him.


Orange ...
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Upstairs Play Time with Blue and Pink

March 23, 2010
Yay Week 5!  When the puppies really start to develop personalities, recognize us as the source of their food and entertainment, and get super fluffy.  Also the time when we start bringing the puppies upstairs for some one-on-one time and human socialization.

First two up:  Blue Boy and Pink Girl

Blue and Woody weren't too sure of each other at first, but Blue quickly warmed to his older brother.

Woody is a very patient big brother.


Woody graciously shared his duck with Blue.

Pink was a little ...
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Introduction to Duck Wing

March 23, 2010
On Saturday, we introduced the pups to their first ducks wings.  (Imagine my surprise when Jeff reached into the back of the freezer and pulled out three duck wings...detatched from the ducks they arrived on....)  (Actually, I wasn't surprised at all, and any of you who know Jeff wouldn't have been either.)


All of the puppies took an interest in the wings and drug them around the yard.  Several are really showing some early signs of being awesome hunters.


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First Time Outside

March 23, 2010
The puppies wanted to celebrate the arrival of spring and 60 degree weather on Saturday by taking their first trip outside!  


You can get some really nice photos if you're willing to lay in the grass and let puppies step on your face.


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